Cataracts Risk Is Increased by Both Diabetes And Statins

The researchers analyzed 6,400 patients from the University of Waterloo’s optometry clinic in 2007 to 2008. Of those participants, 452 were struggling with type 2 diabetes. While controlling for factors such as sex, high blood pressure, and smoking, the experts evaluated diabetes and statin treatment as possible risk factors. While 56%

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What’s the Optimal HbA1c Level in Elders?

In an observational study, glycosylated hemoglobin between 8% and 9% was best. Experienced clinicians have long recognized that tight glycemic control can be perilous in frail older patients with type 2 diabetes. Now, an observational study addresses that concern. Researchers in San Francisco studied 367 community-dwelling, older patients (mean age,

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Gli esercizi con i pesi riducono il rischio di diabete di tipo 2

Sollevare pesi in palestra o fare esercizi aerobici per almeno centocinquanta minuti alla settimana è, secondo i ricercatori statunitensi, un ottimo sistema preventivo per evitare di contrarre il diabete mellito di tipo 2 (DMT2). DIABETE DI TIPO 2 – Viene anche chiamato diabete mellito non insulino-dipendente o diabete dell’adulto e rappresenta

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